Air India Express reduces the weekly twice service between Mumbai – Trichy sector to one per week effective Feb 01. The airline was operating on the sector essentially to take its aircraft, positioned here, to Mumbai for weekly maintenance.


The new Indian Institutes of Management, (IIMs) namely IIM Ranchi, IIM Rohtak and IIM Raipur, along with IIM Trichy have planned a joint admission process this year.

Interview with IIM Ranchi’s director MJ Xavier here..

I pulled my previous post Air Asia is pulling out of Trichy…..Thanx to A. Kumar and Subash in letting me know that AirAsia is not pulling out of Trichy but from Trivandrum. It was a mistake from my source of this information.  I stand corrected and modified this entry with the correct information. Thanx for making this right.

AirAsia is also suspending service from Chennai to Penang, starting Jan. 21, although it is increasing frequencies on other sectors.

The reason cited by Air Asia is higher Airport taxes.

From Aviation week :

High airport taxes are hurting. “We are a commercial airline getting into a new market. If we have to pay half the ticket price in taxes on an average $100 fare, it doesn’t make commercial sense,” says Suresh Nair, AirAsia’s regional manager for South Asia.

Another telling quote from the same source above on the state of Indian Airports :

Indian airports are of two types. [There are] the private parasites who are doing a job. They put in money and want a return. But the danger is nobody is regulating their return. They look for short-term profits as opposed to long-term development. Then there are the government airports, where people get paid a salary [but] they do not do much work. Airports are always a problem in Asia.”

Too much growth too fast ?


Fast growth and no Planning ?

Trichy is getting the 11th IIM and starting with executive education programmes this academic year. ( 2011 – 2012) . It will initially operate out of NIT campus and will be  mentored by IIM-B. Around 200 acres of land within the Bharathidasan University campus in Mathur have already been earmarked for creating the necessary infrastructure for the upcoming IIM.

Congrats !! Trichy ..

Here is the interview from with the IIM-T director, Professor Prafulla Agnihotri.



Air Works India Engineering, India’s only private maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) third-party provider, is expanding its line maintenance capabilities with the inauguration of facilities at Trichy International Airport. The Line maintenance includes small but crucial maintenance jobs to keep the aircrafts running between flights. So it is important to have a quality job and a quick turnaround time between jobs. The major airlines may do their own maintenance for their aircrafts but the smaller players will need to outsource for cost and technology purposes.

“On-time performance is an essential for international airlines. It is important, therefore, to have people available at the right time so as to avoid any delays. We can provide that,” says Dhiraj Chhabra, associate VP-marketing.

Air works established its facilities in Trichy after Bangalore in South India and for a very good reason – International carriers with a 4 to 5 hr flying times are moving in to Trichy rapidly. So it bodes well for the growth of Trichy.

Source: Aviation Week

Emirates airlines is considering expanding operations in India and looking to expand to new destinations which will include Trichy. It has currently 184 flights to 10 destination centers in India and planning to increase that to 16 destinations in the near future.

Trichy city is expanding.. ………..TOI reports that there are plans in preliminary stages to include suburbs like Thiruvarembur into Trichy so that the infrastructure projects and other necessary amenities can be brought on par with the current Trichy city. The Trichy city is about now and will expand to 240 Sq.Km. Looks like the plans in the prelim stages and there are plans to expand other cities like Coimbatore also in the works.

One of the reason cited for this plan is to include those suburbs in the multi crore development projects. Usually the urban centers get the lion’s share in these projects .. Now we are just increasing the size of the pie so that the urban wealth can be distributed to these panchayats also.

Good Plan, in my opinion. But not sure If  and when it will come to fruition. ( May be the cynic in me is talking here….)

Tiger airways is introducing flights between Trichy and Singapore four times a week starting from Nov 2010. ( Monday, wednesday, Friday and Sunday). Trichy will be Tiger airways’ third destination besides Bangalore and Chennai  in India.

The following Anna university Trichy semester results have been posted in Anna University website.

We were all ecstatic when Trichy was identified as a venue to host an IIM. Well.. The progress on that stays where it was. Nothing happened after that. ( atleast that is visible to someone like me). Now I am reading that two other IIMs which were approved at the same time frame as Trichy has already on its way to start and function.  Yes…. IIMs in Rohtak and Ranchi have started under the mentorship of IIM Lucknow and IIM Calcutta. The IIM-T is under the mentorship of IIM-B and it is yet to get off the ground. Is it the government red tape that has caused the slowness or the lethargy of IIM -B caused the slowness, who knows..

R.C. Bhargava, the Chairman of Maruti Suzuki India Limited, was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors for the IIM-Ranchi while for IIM-Rohtak, the Vice-Chairman of Tata Motors Limited was appointed the Board Chairman.

And for the IIM-T, Zippo…

Not sure why ?

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